
As the writer of the occasional post-apocalyptic yarn and other dystopian fiction, I can say we are living in some very scary times. Coronavirus (COVID-19) is very scary stuff. I never thought I would live to see the day where the stuff of motion pictures (Contagion, Outbreak, and 28 Days Later) would become a daily reality! California is in shutdown mode, New York City is about to be shutdown! Europe has sealed the borders of twenty-six countries; Canada has also closed their borders and taken the necessary measures to contain this horrible virus which seems to prey mostly on the elderly (age 60+ crowd, mainly) and those with underlying health problems and compromised immune systems. I fall into this category myself because my immune system is compromised, so I tunsafe安卓版下载 be cautious. Then, as an American, you have to worry about the economical impacts, the sociological impacts, and the political ramifications such a scenario has on a nation. This is only the beginning. This is not your average flu. In the coming months there will be food shortages, prescription shortages, medical supply shortages, people may have to stay indoors over a year. Please, self-isolate. Protect your loved ones. You’re going to have a LOT of free time on your hands. What better time to read? That’s why I am giving away one of my Ebooks for free during this health crisis, straight up until the end of this year. A CHILD WEEPS IN MOSCOWa dystopian yet rather alternative history telling of alien influence in Russia during the Post-Revolution years is FREE until December 31st 2023 on Smashwords. It’s available in ePub AND Mobi formats (Kindle). Read it on your Kindle, your Nook, a phone or iPad or other android device. Whatever works for you. Links, pictures, coupon code below. Remember, free. Most of all, stay safe. Be kind to your neighbor. Self-isolate.

Coupon Code: FG76H

A Child Weeps In Moscow: http://www.smashwords.com/books/view/276157




Artwork by Bob Veon

Smashwords Link: http://www.smashwords.com/books/view/276157








Other New Entries: “Free Fiction”

New Anthologies: “Rise and Rescue Vol. 1” – A Charity Anthology

I am part of an amazing new charity anthology put out (March 3rd 2023 in digital, and March 10th 2023 in paperback) by science fiction writer/editor Stephen Landry. With artwork by Amelia Parris. The name of the charity anthology is RISE AND RESCUE: Vol. 1. It is a book of RPG and gaming-related tales for a very worthy cause. And you should pick up a copy right now! It is at a great price, I have a brand new RPG tale within its pages, along with 22 other talented authors, and ALL proceeds earned go to WIRES. Wires is a special wildlife group who are trying to save the baby koalas and baby kangaroos who have lost their homes or become sick due to the bushfires that have DEVASTATED Australia. Are you a fan of LitRPG or gaming-related fiction? Let’s help the animals of Australia. As an animal lover myself, this is doing a charitable thing. Check out the book covers and other banners below. And don’t forget to read my short story: “The War Module.” FIRST TIME in print! Links also below!



For WIRES Wildlife – Volume 1 – 22 Authors!




Save the koalas, save the kangaroos, help animals devastated by Australian bushfires.

Almost 450 pages of fiction by genre writers who are gamers/compassionate people.






WIRES – Australian Wildlife Rescue Organization:


You can get the book off Amazon, and very soon from Barnes & Nobles, Kobo, and through Apple Books, in print, in digital (if tablet or eReader is your thing), or even mobile (if reading on a phone is your thing). ALL formats.

Read: “The War Module” – a LitRPG story by Lawrence Dagstine.


Image may contain: 2 people


If you’re a fan of genre fiction. If you love to read. Let’s do this for the animals. Let’s do it because it’s right. Rise and Rescue…Now available.

Other New Entries: “Books & Anthos”



I have recently sold five short stories to the new publishing press/editing service, TELL-TALE PRESS. That’s right, five acceptances! Very few reprints, mostly all new stories to read from the Genre Library section of their website. I’ll leave individual links below. Be sure to check out my work and the many others Tell-Tale’s authors have to offer. Andrea Dawn is a professional editor who runs Tell-Tale, and the site is also publisher to horror anthologies with a “seasonal” theme or vibe to them (in print and digital). These anthos usually sell out too at cons real quick, such as Phoenix Fan Fusion. I’ve appeared in one such antho of theirs so far. As for the short stories on their website? FREE READING TO THE PUBLIC. Be sure to check out my latest tales, “Small Favors” and “The Acrylic Man” where horror fiction is concerned. Remember, clickable links below.


Publisher/Editing Service: Andrea Dawn

“5 Dagstine Stories Available”







“Small Favors” by Lawrence Dagstine:

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“The Acrylic Man” by Lawrence Dagstine:


More Lawrence Dagstine Stories:



Other New Entries: “Acceptances”


  • My vampire novelette The Paraplegic has finally found a proper home, and in both print and digital form, in the fairly new pulp fiction publication, SERIAL MAGAZINE. I appear in Issue No. #12, Late August 2023. I believe it is a biweekly. You don’t see too many biweekly publications anymore. Great artwork, great interior layout, has that real gritty 1950s feel to it, the kind of magazine you’d find legends Fritz Leiber and Ray Bradbury hanging out and about with their lurid genre classics. I even made the front cover! It is edited by the very talented Tanya Ferrell. I will leave pictures and links down below so you can order a copy, direct from Serial Publishing (the print version is even discounted for the month of August 2023, so hurry).


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Other New Entries: “Magazines”

New Anthologies: “Classics Remixed” – Left Hand Publishers

I have a science fiction story in Left Hand Publishers speculative fiction anthology, titled: CLASSICS REMIXED. Edited by Karen T. Newman. This is a big beefy book, chock full of imaginative stories of characters we know from past fairy tales, novels, and folklore. What happens when you take famous story characters and put them in different scenarios, speculative situations, or twist around a fairy tale? You get Classics Remixed. An anthology of classic characters REMIXED and REIMAGINED into something new and different. It has beautiful cover art, and as always when I update my website, I will leave pictures of book covers, a lineup of the author talent (Table of Contents), and links to the publisher’s website and places like Amazon, where you can order this book in trade paperback form.


An Anthology: Edited by Karen T. Newman


Left Hand Publisher’s Online Store (order book):


Classics Remixed – Order from Amazon:



Table of Contents for Classics Remixed:

Cinderella’s Fairy Godmother Tells All by Jill Hand
The inside story behind one of our favorite fables
Sailor’s Saga by Steve Rouse
Old Man and the Sea meets Moby Dick meet 20,000 Leagues
Not a Single Soul by Tom Howard
A good witch, a wicked witch, but which witch is which?
The Maze Under the Clouds by Blake Jessop
A sci-fi spin on the myth of Theseus and the Minotaur
The Upper Hand by A.P. Sessler
In a spin on “The Monkey’s Paw,” be careful what you wish for…
Of House and Home by Eric Andrews-Katz
Were Hansel and Gretel the victims? Not so much.
Solomon’s Moon by Kevin M. Folliard
Not all invisible men are created equal. Some are just bad.
A Taste of Wonderland by Gregory L. Norris
Starvation twists Alice, Wonderland, and all its inhabitants
Gluttony by Henry Herz
What happens below decks, stays below decks in this biblical misadventure.
Moby n’ Queegs by William Ade
This ain’t your daddy’s Moby Dick
Follicles, Fables & Follies by Paul K. Metheney
Rapunzel, Rapunzel, let down … never mind
Jane, Designed to Love by Brandon L. Summers
Jane Eyre or A.I.? Do androids dream of electric love?
Ding Dong the Pitch is Deadly by Jonathan Shipley
There’s no place like home plate
Catcher in the Crawlspace by Jay Seate
Catcher in the Rye or Stalker in the Crawlspace?
Curse of Avalon by Anthony Regolino
That’s no Lady of the Lake…
Treasure Moon by Robert Allen Lupton
Treasure Island with a sci-fi twisted sense of humor
Noah from Mars by Lawrence Dagstine
Science fictions versus one family’s faith
Strike the Match by Robert Petyo
The Three Musketeers go bowling. Seriously.
Handsome and Greedy by Katherine Brown
Hansel and Gretel like you’ve never seen them before
Copper County Fair by Cheryl Stevens Clark
The story of the Minotaur comes to Copper County
Mermaid by Karen Janowsky
The Little Mermaid in modern day prose
A Novel Gathering by Neil Childs
A band of fictional rogues who attempt to rob the poor to feather their own nests


Other New Entries: “Books & Anthos”

New Anthologies: “Creatures” – Tell-Tale Press

I will appear with a werewolf story in the late May digital anthology, CREATURES, by Tell-Tale Press. Edited by Andrea Dawn. There will be two versions to this anthology. A short story edition and a novelette edition. I’m in the short story edition. It will be free to read on the Tell-Tale Press website, then available in ebook format from Amazon in the event you own a Kindle. The book, along with various other titles from Tell-Tale Press, will also be available on May 23-26th at Phoenix Fan Fusion Comic Book Convention. They will have a table there. So if you live in the Arizona area, be on the lookout for CREATURES ANTHO with my story in it, and many other talented authors. I will leave pictures, links, author lineup below. Just click on them (be redirected).


Published by Tell-Tale Press

Edited by Andrea Dawn


Publisher Website (click here): http://www.telltalepress.net/

Download for Amazon Kindle (click here): http://www.amazon.com/Blood-Tomes-Creatures-Short-Stories-ebook/dp/B07RS1PKL9/ref=sr_1_fkmrnull_5?keywords=creatures+andrea+dawn&qid=1558026542&s=gateway&sr=8-5-fkmrnull


安卓手机安装tunsafeOreoluwa Arowobusoye, Kenneth Bykerk, Lawrence Dagstine, Danielle Davis, Dan Fields, Eric J. Guignard, A.M. Harte, Isabella Hunter, Jennifer Loring, Nicola Lombardi, Matthew Lyons, Jamie Mason, Jason McCuiston, Gregory L. Norris, P. R. O’Leary, D.C. Phillips, Mark Silcox, Melissa Watkins Starr, T.J. Tranchell, Joseph Walker.

INFO on PHOENIX FAN FUSION CONVENTION (click here): http://phoenixfanfusion.com/


New Entries: “Books & Anthos”

New Anthologies: “Suspense Unimagined” by Left Hand Publishers…

A Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year. I have a BRAND NEW short story for late 2018 in the Left Hand Publishers’ Anthology: ‘Suspense Unimagined.’ Anthology of Suspense, Thrillers, and Nightmares creeping past the boundaries of your imagination. Edited by the very talented Karen T. Newman, and featuring over two-dozen talented authors. The name of my story is “COMPETING FOR ROSES.” It is a dark tale set in World War One, and around roses (the flowers). It is available in paperback. I will add book cover pics and the two links I could find to order it (below), such as Amazon.



An Anthology: Edited Karen T. Newman







New Entries: “Books & Anthos”






You can now find a story of mine in the reprint anthology, RE-LAUNCH: Science Fiction Stories of New Beginnings. Available in ebook form, for Kindle. And edited by Kelly A. Harmon and Vonnie Winslow Crist. Re-Launch is just one of many genre titles in the Re-Imagined Series. This particular one being my forte, pulp science fiction. If you like pulp-stylized stories of astronauts and cosmonauts and space travel and interplanetary landings, this might be up your alley. I’m not sure if a print version exists but I will provide an Amazon link down below along with the author line-up.



Science Fiction Stories of New Beginnings




Edited by Kelly A. Harmon & Vonnie Winslow Crist

tunsafe安装包Douglas Smith, James Dorr, Kris Austin Radcliffe, Eando Bender, Wendy Nikel, Stewart C. Baker, Meriah Crawford, Gregory L. Norris, Jennifer Rachel Baumer, Jonathan Shipley, Vonnie Winslow Crist, Lawrence Dagstine, CB Droege, Jude-Marie Green, Steven R. Southard, Calie Voorhis, Anthony Cardno, Andrew Gudgel.


Other New Entries: “Books & Anthos”

Gaslandia: “A Dieselpunk Anthology”

You can find a story of mine, A Better Life, in the recently released dieselpunk anthology GASLANDIA. Published in eBook format, and put out by Radiant Crown Publishing. The eBook is available through Amazon Kindle, which I will leave a link to down below. In A Better Life I tackle the theme of domestic violence (a wife aiming to take her children and escape her abusive husband) for just that: a better life than the one she leads now. Story-wise, it is set against a steampunk backdrop with airships and gears and cogs, but with a working dieselpunk aesthetic. Pick up a copy off Amazon today, or from Radiant Crown’s website. I think you’ll enjoy it.


A Dieselpunk Anthology

Sin título-2

AMAZON KINDLE: http://www.amazon.com/Gaslandia-Dieselpunk-Anthology-Subterranean-Book-ebook/dp/B07938PD13/ref=sr_1_1?ie=UTF8&qid=1528080945&sr=8-1&keywords=gaslandia



Author Line-up: Kevin Holton, David Castlewitz, Lawrence Dagstine, Pedro Inguez, Dale Carothers, Jeremy Szal, Irene Punti, Gregory L. Norris, Chuck Regan, Matthew Maxwell.

Illustrated by Stefan Paris.


tunsafe安卓版 “Books & Anthos”



Science Fiction Appearances: “Alien Dimensions #14” – Science Fiction, Fantasy and Metaphysical Short Stories…

I have a story up in the Kindle Unlimited publication, Alien Dimensions Magazine. Issue #14. Or, also known as Alien Dimensions Science Fiction, Fantasy, and Metaphysical short stories.  This is an ePublication focusing heavily on alien races and alien influence. Other authors appearing beside me in Issue #14 include: John Hegenberger, Neil A. Hogan, Olga Werby, Sean Mulroy, Jeremy A. Brown, and Regina Clarke. I’ll place clickable links below the current issue’s cover, along with their main website. Be sure to check it out. Enjoy.



WEBSITE: http://www.aliendimensions.com

AMAZON KINDLE: http://www.amazon.com/Alien-Dimensions-Metaphysical-Anthology-Magazine-ebook/dp/B0774NQHR1/ref=sr_1_1_sspa?ie=UTF8&qid=1509806908&sr=8-1-spons&keywords=alien+dimensions+14&psc=1


安卓手机安装tunsafe tunsafe安装包



Science Fiction Anthologies: “Visions VII Universe” – edited by Carroll Fix

You can find a science fiction story of mine in the new Visions Anthology (and last in the series, by editor Carroll Fix and Rogue Star Press). VISIONS VII: UNIVERSE. Available in a nice thick trade paperback for $19.95, or as an ebook on Kindle or venues like Smashwords for about $4.99. A plethora of great stories by familiar science fiction short story names, all compiled into one 260 page book. This anthology focuses on the theme of “faraway universes” and the “human race.” Our roles within it. I’ll put more details below, along with the author lineup, and any necessary book cover photos and where-to-buy links (which you can click on and be redirected). So just scroll down.




Edited by Carroll Fix

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SMASHWORDS: http://www.smashwords.com/books/view/741648


Doug Souza

William Huggins

Jason Lairamore

W. A. Fix


John A. Frochio

Leigh Kimmel

Margaret Karmazin

Lorraine Schein

Jonathan Shipley

Lisa Timpf

Mike Adamson

Mary Madigan

Darrel Duckworth

Neil Davies

Elana Gomel

Lawrence Dagstine

John M. Floyd

S.M. Kraftchak

Robert J. Mendenhall

Nick Manzolillo


Visions VII selfie

The following below is excerpted from the Visions website for promotional purposes.

The Visions Series tells the story of how humanity must ultimately venture outward from our tiny home and explore the Universe.

Visions VII: Universe, the final volume, opens the doors to incredible possibilities for the race called Human. We venture into realms where the impossible becomes fact.

Visions VII: Universe

Final anthology in the Visions Series.
The Visions series tells the story of how humanity must ultimately venture outward from our tiny home and explore the Universe. Visions: Leaving Earth, the first volume, describes our first faltering steps to rise from Earth’s surface and build homes in space. Visions II: Moons of Saturn confirms humankind’s success in leaving Earth and building homes in the other planetary systems circling our sun-father Sol. Visions III: Inside the Kuiper Belt proclaims domination of all that dwells within the solar system—from our Sun to the outermost reaches of the Kuiper Belt and into the Oort Cloud. Visions IV: Space Between Stars astounds us with the infinite possibilities of adventure and danger far from any suns or planets— in the cold, dark regions of deepest space, where dark matter and nebulas of celestial gases abide. Visions V: Milky Way leads us to explore our own galaxy. Although vast and unreachable with current technology, the Milky Way is but a tiny point in the Universe. We must first learn about our own home galaxy before we can explore further outward to other galaxies. Visions VI: Galaxies follows human progress into other galaxies. Humankind survives to spread across the Universe, making distant galaxies and planets into a home for a race destined to seek horizons ever more far away.

Visions VII: Universe
Series: Visions
Paperback: 260 pages
Publisher: Rogue Star Press (August 2017)
Language: English
POD ISBN-10: 1-945646-28-4  ISBN-13: 978-1-945646-28-7
EPUB ISBN-10: 1-945646-29-2 ISBN -13: 978-1-945646-29-4
MOBI ISBN-10: 1-945646-30-6 ISBN-13: 978-1-945646-30-0

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tunsafe安卓版下载 “Appearances, Books & Anthos”

Crimson Streets: “Island in the Sky” by Lawrence Dagstine… (appearances)

My pulp adventure story ISLAND IN THE SKY is now uploaded, as of August 20th 2017, at the weekly pulp adventure-pulp noir fiction webzine CRIMSON STREETS. Edited by Janet Carden. Island in the Sky is a story of zeppelins and floating islands and a race of savages amongst the clouds. Inspiration for this one comes from such timeless movies as Indiana Jones, Rocketeer, and even the Tom Baker Doctor Who story, The Power of Kroll. Not to mention paying respect to such classic authors as Clark Ashton Smith, Robert E. Howard, and Jules Verne.

Crimson Streets publishes a new short story every single week, fifty-two weeks per year.  Hard, gritty fiction, which packs a punch.  The story has an illustration by Toe Keen.  I’ll leave a direct link and banner down below.  Enjoy.


Edited by Janet Carden


“Island in the Sky”


CLICK HERE: http://www.crimsonstreets.com/2017/08/20/island-in-the-sky/

With Illustration by Toe Keen


More short stories coming soon…

New Entries: “Appearances”



Science Fiction Anthologies: “An Atlas to Time, Space, and Bonfires” – presented by Save SciFi.com

I’m pleased to announce that I have a short story in the successfully “Kickstarter-funded” science fiction anthology,CentOS7一键脚本安装WireGuard | 堤堤云:2021-1-7 · 关于一键脚本 1、仅适用于centos7 2、VPS架构必须是KVM 3、测试了搬瓦工、谷歌云、Vultr的centos7,可伍完美搞定 4、cento7大部分内核都是3.10,不能正确安装,所伍需要升级 5、有些厂商的vps内核貌似升级不了,例如vpsserver,这个还是要自行解决 6、wireguard是一个peer对应一个客户端,如果需要多个客户端 .... Old school and new school short fiction authors, 350+ pages, 120,000 words in length, and presented by Michael Daugherty and Stephen Landry over at 安卓手机安装tunsafe. I’ll put all necessary pictures, links, banners below. It is available as a thick print book or in digital format on storefronts like Amazon (Kindle) and Smashwords. Each author’s story is also presented with original artwork by artist, Stephen Landry. It is chock full of new and reprinted stories from across the universe. A must-own (and a must-read) for the science fiction anthology enthusiast.


NOTE: As of the writing of this website post, on tunsafe官网ios date, AN ATLAS TO TIME, SPACE, AND BONFIRES has done extremely well. Not only being a successful Kickstarter campaign, but also pushing a hundred or so print copies at a science fiction convention (in Harrisburg, PA, I believe), and hundreds of digital versions (eBook format). Also, thank you to Michael Daugherty, Stephen Landry, and the people who funded this book over on Kickstarter. Much love. Save science fiction. Pictures and links below.

An Atlas Book Cover Back



Editor and Founder: Michael Daugherty

Google空间(Gplayspace)为国内用户提供Google Play ...:安卓简拼 v2.8.1至臻VIP版 评论数: 0 浏览次数: 2666 最新评论 评论详情 【拜托帮帮我提现[可怜][可怜]我正在领拼 ͡ḌŮ⒪ḋŭ 百元现金打款[红包][红包]】 https://dwz.cn/kqjTn14V ️点击链接⬆️帮我一下,谢谢你! 或者复制整条信息,打开【拼 ͡ḌŮ⒪ḋŭ ...

WEBSITE LINK: http://savesci-fi.com/category/savesci-fioriginals/anthology1/


David Bax

Danny Daines

Heather Leonard

Stephen Landry

Kevin Small

Zach Shaw

Felicia Copeny

Lewis Leslie

E.J. De la Pena

David Castlewitz

Drew Avera

Christopher Vickers

Mike Lawson

H.S. Donnelly

Patrick S. Baker

Sophie G. Michaels


Lawrence Dagstine

Marleen S. Barr

Daniel M. Kimmel

Medron Pryde


An Atlas Book Lot 2

安卓向日葵远程控制v8.8.7VIP会员尊享版 - 拉币LB:这是一条默认的说说,如果你看到这条动态,请去后台新建独立页面,地址填写cross,自定义模板选择时光机。具体说明请参见主题的使用攻略。May 28th, 2021 a 05:53 pm






Living Amongst the Lizards

NEW ENTRIES: “Books & Anthos”





UPCOMING STORIES: “Crimson Streets”

Pleased to announce I will have a short story coming to the “pulp adventure” and “pulp crime” market, Crimson Streets. The story will appear at some point in 2017. It is a pulp adventure story, written in the vein of classic authors such as Clark Ashton Smith, Robert E. Howard, and Jules Verne. Stay tuned for more information.  Crimson Streets – Pulp: it’s More Than Noir is a weekly online publication.  Their goal is to bring pulp literature back to the masses, but, in this day and age, in a more web-friendly format.  Just click on any banners or links below, and see what Crimson Streets currently has to offer.

Short Story Coming Soon to:






New Entries: “Acceptances”

Digital Science Fiction: “The Starship Hanoi” by Lawrence Dagstine – Now up!

I have a story currently up at the digital reprint market, DIGITAL SCIENCE FICTION. Also known as Digital Fiction Pub, since they do publish fantasy and horror (they deal in speculative fiction as a whole). You can read my “QuickFic” category story, The Starship Hanoi, online. It’s a tale about Vietnam in the far future. Other authors this period, in the “QuickFic” category, include: Krystal Claxton, Deborah Walker, Holly Schofield, Jeff Hill, Jay Caselberg, Melanie Rees, Kevin David Anderson, Brian K. Lowe, and Thomas Kleaton. Just click the link below the banner.


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LINK: http://digitalfictionpub.com/category/quickfic/

More stories coming soon…

Entries: “Appearances”

FREE ON SMASHWORDS: “Overcast” by Lawrence Dagstine – a novelette

For the next three months, up until January 30th 2017, you can get my novelette tunsafe安卓百度云for free with the following coupon code: PP49L

If you’ve never used Smashwords before, it’s simple. You can download books and stories in ePub or Mobi format, and for almost any Android device, tablet, or reader on the market today. Yes, including Kindle.


Here’s the direct link: http://www.smashwords.com/books/view/277970

And, once again, the coupon code (capitalized): PP49L

Free for three months, with cover art by Bob Veon.

See just how a 1920s flying ace deals with a horrible disfigurement, the snowy mountains of Montana, and an injured little girl. And just what odds the two must overcome, in… OVERCAST.

Expires January 30th 2017.

逗比-翻墙党 - fanqiangdang.com:2021-5-14 · 百度云 利用油猴脚本绕开百度云管家 获取直接下载链接 2021-08-28 Toyo 阅读(180) 评论(0) 赞(0) 百度云为了推广他的百度云管家,在网盘内或者分享页面下载大文件(玛德有时候十几M也提示)的时候会强制让你下载使用百度云管家。搬瓦工VPS一键安装

For my twentieth year involved in short stories, I’d like to announce a 2016 release, a literary horror anthology that recently hit various conventions and online bookshops like Amazon and B&N. The fine folks at Nosetouch Press produced this immaculate 400+ page monster, brimming with spark, intelligence, imagination and much speculation, that doesn’t just focus on Broomsticks and Cauldrons. It is available in hardcover, paperback, and ALL eBook/Android/Mobile formats (for those on the go). Personally, I’d go with the hardcover or paperback myself. Introducing, WAX & WANE: An Anthology of Witch Stories. Thirty stories by thirty fantastic authors, some up-and-coming. Big book, kind of weighty, if I do say so myself. Links, pictures, adverts, and author list below. Cheers.

Edited by D.T. Neal & Christine M. Scott


Published by Nosetouch Press in Chicago, IL.


Hardcover, Paperback, miscellaneous pics below. Including line-up.

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Authors appearing with short fiction in Wax & Wane: 

  • Stephen Blake
  • Tanya Bryan
  • Stephanie Burgis
  • Diana Corbitt
  • Jonathan Cromack
  • Lawrence Dagstine
  • Dave Dormer
  • Spinster Eskie
  • Kevin M. Folliard
  • Flynn Gray
  • Silas Green
  • S.K. Gregory
  • Coy Hall
  • K.A. Hardway
  • Liam Hogan
  • Heddy Johannesen
  • J.T. Lawrence
  • Jennifer Loring
  • tunsafe安卓版
  • Cooper O’Connor
  • Virginia M. Mohlere
  • Tiffany Morris
  • tunsafe安装包
  • Megan Neumann
  • Jeff Parsons
  • 安卓手机安装tunsafe
  • Lori G. Petroff
  • Joseph Rubas
  • Cynthia Ward
  • Jo Wu
  • Wax&Wane

NEW ENTRIES: “Appearances”


My science fiction story, The Starship Hanoi, is in the current issue of Tightbeam.  Tightbeam is the official zine of the National Fantasy Fan Federation (N3F), an organization created in 1941 with a very large audience in SF fandom (it’s also a club with dues); Tightbeam has been around since 1960, and has a pretty healthy circulation at numerous SF/F conventions.  They have fiction, non-fiction, book reviews (all mostly unsolicited), and con reports between their pages.  My story is about The Vietnamese Life Cycle and what inertia will bring to an Asian colony (and culture) in the far future.  It’s a story of the burdens of technology and progress, really.  Links to free download and N3F website below (also in print).  Issue #268, edited by David Speakman.


***November 2013***

Official Zine of the National Fantasy Fan Federation

The National Fantasy Fan Website (est. 1941):


Tightbeam (est. 1960, free download):


Other New Entries: “Magazines”

Tales of the Talisman, Issue # 9.1… (appearances)

A little late at the presses, but I bring a new story to the Summer-Fall 2013 issue of David Lee Summer’s genre periodical, Tales of the Talisman.  This would be my 6th appearance between its pages, and this time I weave a historical fantasy tale involving witches.  Witches seem to be very popular as of late.  With The Witching Hour and American Horror Story Coven opening to record numbers, the dark practitioners are far from overused.  My yarn leans more toward Hogwarts though, so Harry Potter fans will surely relish in this slightly different approach.  Read my 5,000-worder: She Left Home Under a Cloud of Dragonflies, now.  Click pictures or links for direct order; line-up also below.


Summer-Fall 2013 Issue



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Last Issue (Steampunk Edition)

with Dagstine Stories:

Happy Halloween 2013

Other New Entries: “Magazines”

Free Ebooks: “Family Reunion” by Lawrence Dagstine – Aug. to Sept. 2013 ONLY!

Autumn is almost here! And September is suspense month! If you like taut thrillers in the vein of Alfred Hitchcock and Mary Higgins Clark, then for the next 40 days you might like my family dynamic-inspired novella, Family Reunion.  But only from August 20th thru September 30th (up till midnight), and only through Smashwords (Mobi, Epub, etc.).  After that, Family Reunion goes back up to the already low price of $1.99.  Own a Kindle or a Nook? Just enter the following coupon code at Smashwords.com: BS62W …And meet “Howard” for free, the man who would KILL to be a husband and father, and for forty days and forty nights.  Most of all, happy reading.


A Family-Based Suspense Thriller 

FREE for Aug/Sept. 2013, FREE thru Smashwords


When Kendra was a teenager, she got raped and knocked up more than once.  When she finally found the courage to run away with the children, she went back to school, got a job, and set up a nice life for herself far away.  The children are now eight, and Howard has come ‘home’ for what he feels belongs to him.  He swears he’s a changed man, he wants to get married and be a dad.  Even if it kills! He wants this reunion to be one that Kendra and the kids will never forget… should they live to tell about it.

Other Ebooks Available:

Lawrence Dagstine on Amazon, Barnes & Nobles, Kobo, Smashwords, and the Apple iTunes Store:

